Saturday, December 15, 2007

Long Time - No Blog

Life is just as crazy as it always is. Simply haven't had the energy or the time to sit down and blog.

Had a wild dream about Scot last nite. Wow, one of those dreams that truly seems real and it's such a disappointment to wake from it.

Hate the thought of being off work for the holidays and not being able to see him. He makes me laugh like nobody's business and that is something that's hard to do these days. Don't always feel like I have much to laugh about.

Just called to wish my niece a happy birthday - she wasn't home.

One week left until payday and I'm completely out of money. Prayers that work feels benevelent this year and gives out really good bonuses. Won't have a Christmas without it. Need to pay the rest of the rent for the month, too.

My son has been nagging me to put up the Christmas decorations and I keep putting it off. wouldn't put up any if it wasn't for him. I'll try and do it tomorrow. I did promise him I would.

My son's friend is over for the night. That's good - it keeps him occupied and gives me a little more time to myself. Have no idea what I'll give them for dinner, though.

Good thought for the night - I did buy "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" so I need to settle in tonight and watch it.