Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bad Vibes

"When issues get too complicated, you tend to withdraw into yourself until you've decided what to do. This is one of those times when it may seem easier to just sink quietly to the bottom of your cave and let the world flow by. However, this isn't in your best interest. Instead, select your most important feelings and share them with someone close to you."

Well, very weird vibes today at work. Boss was out, kids went nuts. Actually, there were several people who were in very funky bad moods and I felt it spread like a disease. There are some people there that I really like but saw a side of them today that I could've done without. Then, the worst thing is that I allowed that to bring me down - like I somehow felt responsible for their discontent.

WAY too much info today on the fires in Southern California. Must be a slow news period - these types of fires occur every year in the same areas and the press acts as if it's Pompeii. Much empathy for the people whose homes that have been destroyed and can least afford it.

That brings up something that I can never understand. Just like in the show "Survivor", there's always a group of people who build their homes in the least hospitable spot. Yearly fires, floods and tornadoes in trailerville, and yet every time one of these disasters plows through, people just get right back up and build on the spot destined for next year's catastrophe. It's either eternal optimism or blind love for home.

Right now I'm just trying to keep my head above water and be able to afford to make this place home instead of having another failure to add to the ever-growing list.

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